Elatec RFID Systems
Elatec is leading RFID manufacturer in German offers reliable RFID solution for wide variety of user authentication. As one of Elatec's partner, we provide their reliable solutions for customers in Japan.
We also provide high-quality consultation to make sure which type of reader/writer is suitable for your needs.
ID Authentication Solutions:

TWN4 IC Card Reader
TWN4 readers are designed to read all current common RFID technologies. TWN4 support Low Frequency (e.g. HIDPprox) and High Frequency (e.g Felica, Mifare, FCF) including NFC and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Our technical professional can help you to customize the TWN4 reader based on the car type in your organization, please contact us for further information.
TCPConv2 is RFID infrastructure which enable simple authentication and access control for devices which lack of USB port, like single functions printers or laserjet printer. TCPConv2 acts as an Ethernet network switch and vendor neutral, a great combination with PaperCut MF's fast release functionalities.

Example of Installation: Fast Release (Network Card Reader)